About Us
Vision Mission Values
- Create and promote literature that enshrines Bharatiya life-values in the hearts of the people
- Social transformation through value based nationalistic education that achieves overall development of students
- To fulfil the needs of society through various service activities like Yoga, Health and such others
- To create models of excellence in all activities and to encourage their widespread adaptation

Swastha-Susthira Samajanirmanam
To build a healthy and sustainable society.
To build a healthy and sustainable society.
- Affection (Aatmeeyata)
- Commitment
- Patriotism
- Integrity

Swastha-Susthira Samajanirmanam
To build a healthy and sustainable society.

- Create and promote literature that enshrines Bharatiya life-values in the hearts of the people
- Social transformation through value based nationalistic education that achieves overall development of students
- To fulfil the needs of society through various service activities like Yoga, Health and such others
- To create models of excellence in all activities and to encourage their widespread adaptation

- Affection (Aatmeeyata)
- Commitment
- Patriotism
- Integrity